When buying USB sticks to share high resolution images and videos with clients, you might be wondering if uploading them to the cloud might be a cheaper and more environmentally friendly option. With the rise of file sharing websites such as Dropbox and WeTransfer, cloud storage is fast becomingApril 25, 2023
ScS, one of the UK's leading sofa and carpet specialists, recently appointed USB2U to produce a set of custom USB sticks for them to distribute during their annual retail conference.February 02, 2023
China's Golden Week is an annual event which is always at the back of our minds when entering into September. As has been the case for many years now, we always try and give our customers enough notice of it's impending arrival to ensure that disruption during what can be a month long period isSeptember 07, 2018
With summer almost upon us, many businesses are already starting to prepare their marketing campaigns for the season ahead. With this in mind, companies are focused on finding the latest seasonal promotional product to entice their customers and ensure that their brand remains in the spotlight.June 26, 2018
The practice of universities operating an 'open day' has become very common over the last decade or so. Many institutions recognise it as an important contributor in helping prospective undergraduates decide on where their futures ultimately lie. A great deal of planning is therefore required to ensureJuly 18, 2017
The first day of Summer is upon us and with it comes the height of the festival season including Glastonbury which kicks off today. With millions of people attending live music events around the country each year, it's not surprising that many companies take the opportunity to promote theirJune 21, 2017
Having worked with professional photographers for over 8 years now, team USB2U are well positioned to continue to supply the best quality branded USB sticks and packaging on the market to the photography industry. We have the most beautifulMay 05, 2017
In previous posts we’ve looked at ways to help grow your Instagram following and listed the best hashtags to useApril 07, 2017
As a photographer, having an Instagram account and updating it regularly is pretty important. We touched on some ways to grow your Instagram following last month, but this month we’re focussing on the world of hashtagsMarch 16, 2017

October 13, 2023
Illuminate Your Brand With Our New LED Tech Gifts
Are you looking to take your branding or marketing campaigns to another level? Well, look no further, our newly launched LED products will do just that!
We’ve got everything you’ll need, from the latest LED Cables to high-quality
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