Branded USB Memory Sticks Look Better In Boxes

There’s no getting away from it, and it’s not what the environmentalist want to hear but, branded USB memory sticks look better when presented in a gift box that has also been printed or branded in some way.

We all know that in the vast majority of cases the packaging will end up in the bin and ultimately in many cases in land-fill sites but if your overriding objective is to develop your brand, to build brand loyalty and to generate some sort of “wow” factor then great packaging will achieve this.

USB Memory Stick Boxes

The best designed products in the world, and you can include amongst these Apple’s iPod’s and iPad’s, Cartier watches, Channel perfume, all come in fantastic packaging. Yes, the packaging might have been slimmed down over the years but the packaging is still considered an integral part of the overall product and part of its fundamental appeal.

Of course packaging is there to provide a functional way to protect and transport the item inside it but modern packaging goes beyond this and aims to attract customers’ attention and compel them to purchase the product.  Packaging is designed to inform customers, provoke feelings and communicate emotions – it’s a box or a tin but it’s also so much more than just a box or a tin!

Memory Stick Gift Boxes

If for example you are planning on giving away branded USB memory sticks at a press event and your target audience is a group of high powered journalists and /or executives then it makes sense to put some effort into how the sticks are packaged and presented. You owe it to your audience and to your brand to put the same amount of effort into the packaging as the other aspect of the event. Handing the USB memory sticks out in plain white boxes, polythene bags or just attached to a lanyard just won’t have the same impact.

Equally, if for example you’re a photographer and you’re planning on offering your customers their portfolio shots or wedding photographs on a branded USB memory stick then put some effort into the packaging – it’ll help you sell this concept to your customers, it’ll help with viral word of mouth when your customers are given the stick and it will give you the chance to showcase your brand on the packaging.

USB Flash Drives - Wedding Photographers

The incremental cost for branded USB memory sticks supplied in a printed or branded presentation box or tin is relatively small compared to the cost of the sticks themselves. So, unless you are a company that has to be ultra careful of its eco-credentials then printed boxes are definitely worth considering.

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