Buyer Beware – Exemplar UK LLP Create A Bad Example

When you’re searching for a supplier of branded memory sticks or custom USB drives or perhaps someone to take care of your data duplication then one of the key requirements is a supplier or partner that you can trust and a supplier that is open and straightforward in their dealings with you.

At USB2U we provide branded and custom flash drives to a number of reseller partners who in turn on-sell them to their clients and partners. In choosing our reseller partners we undertake as much due diligence as we can to ensure that they will not let their customers down and that their actions don’t reflect badly on us at USB2U.

Exemplar UK LLP Exemplar UK LLP

Unfortunately has, in our opinion, let the industry in which we operate down and we now regret having supplied them with branded memory sticks for their clients. Our disappointment with Exemplar UK LLP stems from the fact that they were placing orders and taking receipt of printed products from us within a matter of days of claiming their company was insolvent and stating that they would not be paying for the goods supplied by us and we now sit on a very sizeable loss of thousands of pounds.

Clearly the economic conditions in which all businesses in the UK operate in at the moment are tough and there will be casualties. In our opinion the acid test of whether you want to deal with the Directors involved in these company failures moving forward is how they deal with these difficulties when they are happening and how upfront they are with their suppliers and customers during the problem times.

Ordering branded and customised stock and chasing for its delivery within hours of voluntarily taking your company under is legal but whether its morally right is open to question and of course it breaches the key ingredient of any customer supplier relationship and that is trust.

The domain name is site is still live but it points to re-branded version of the old Exemplar website and contains the following statement: “Exemplar are now proud to be part of the Media Plant Group”

Trust is hard won and easily lost. Choose your suppliers and partners with care.

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