Check Out These Printed Gift Boxes For USB Flash Drives

Whether you’re buying USB flash drives to giveaway as a promotional item or buying them to handout to delegates at a seminar, conference or press event then you’ll need to consider whether you need them boxed or not.

Most USB flash drives are supplied in bulk, which typically means they are supplied in individual polythene bags or bubble bags and bundled into “fives” to make it easier to count them. Occasionally they are supplied in individual polythene bags and a plain white cardboard box – the “poly” bags protect the print on the flash drive and the outer cardboard box helps protect the flash drive itself.

Some companies charge for the plain (unprinted) gift boxes, others include them free of charge. A downside of any packaging around the USB flash drives is the time it takes to unpack them and re-pack them if you are planning on loading data onto them yourself before you hand them out!

So, if you are expecting your flash drives to come in boxes then it’s in your own interests to get any data loaded onto them before you take delivery of them – if not expect to spend a few tedious hours unpacking and packing and sitting in front of a PC and USB hub data-loading….not the best use of your time!

The standard plain white gift boxes most suppliers use can be printed which will lift the overall impact of the flash drives when they’re handed out. Typically this only adds a few pennies to the overall cost so it’s certainly worth considering. The examples shown here illustrate just how good branded USB flash drives look when supplied in printed gift boxes.

Printed USB Flash Drive Boxes

Understandably some companies are anti-boxes and any unnecessary packaging because they want to push a strong environmental message but the boxes are primarily there to protect the flash drives in transit. Adding a print/logo to the boxes simply makes them look a little more professional. Yes, they’ll end up in a bin but they are made from recycled cardboard and they can be recycled when discarded so any environmental impact is tiny.

If you really want to push the boat out with your packaging then there is a huge range of packaging available including metal tin presentation boxes (with our without a window), plastic gift boxes with magnetic clasps and wooden (bamboo) gift boxes. Again these look fantastic but if you’re pushing an “eco” message its perhaps best to avoid the presentation tins and plastic boxes.

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