Drink Companies Embrace Branded Flash Drives
There’s lots of discussion at the moment within the drinks industry and society in general about the pricing of alcoholic drinks and whether minimum-pricing thresholds should be introduced and whether some of the heavily discounted promotions in supermarkets should be banned or restricted. Clearly it’s a complex issue and whilst the majority agree that as a society we need to face up to the issues that excessive drinking are creating its less clear whether price
increases, minimum thresholds and bans on advertising will actually address the problem.
Whilst the debate rumbles on the drinks companies understandably and quite rightly continue to develop their brands, their businesses and push ahead with their advertising and marketing campaigns.
As an industry the alcoholic drinks sector spends hundred of millions of pounds each year promoting its products with much of this being spent on screen and print based advertising. More recently drinks companies have turned to branded flash drives and customer USB memory sticks to get their message across. Typically flash drives are used in a very targeted way for example as hand-outs at trade shows, seminars and press events. The beauty of using a branded or custom flash drive is that they can be pre-loaded with lots of products
information, speaker packs, offers and promotions and of course information and advice on sensible drinking levels, including links to the drinkaware web site.
Although a relatively recent convert to the benefits of flash drives the sector itself has certainly pushed the boundaries of what the product can deliver. The range of flash
drives and fully bespoke products produced for some of the leading drink brands and labels is impressive with items such as USB bottles, USB barrels, USB cans and USB corks being amongst the more innovative. Even when they have used standard branded flash drives they tend to commission some of the more stunning products that really show of their brands.
The innovation shown by the drinks sector is a testament to their advertising and marketing teams creativity and is likely to be copied by other sectors as they begin to appreciate the scope and benefits offered by USB flash drives.