July Offer - Free Gift Boxes With All Branded USB Memory Sticks

Branded USB Memory Sticks look fantastic and make absolutely brilliant promotional gifts but in our opinion they look so much better when handed out in their own little gift boxes

Yes, the purist might argue that they look best in their naked state where the brand can immediately be seen and the environmentalists might argue that the gift boxes are just superfluous “fluff” that will just get thrown away so why bother. After all there is enough waste packaging around at the moment so why add to it!

USB Gift Box

But think about it. If you’re spending a small fortune sourcing good quality branded USB memory sticks to give away as a gift or as part of a promotional campaign then it makes sense to “dress” them in a gift box. Not only will a gift box protect the branded USB memory stick but they just look better when handed out in their own boxes and the printed logo on the stick won’t be in danger of getting scuffed or scratched. The alternative to “no gift box” is either a polythene bag or “bubble bag” both of which are “ok” but they don’t exactly do much for the brand printed on the memory stick!

What other “gift” or “thank you” do you get given where no thought has been given to how its wrapped, boxed or presented? The answer is likely to be none and for this reason we think gift boxes are a bit of a must when it come to giving away branded sticks.

There are lots of Gift Box options to choose from starting from basic white or silver cardboard boxes through to classy looking tins with foam inserts specifically cut in the shape of the USB flash drive. If you want to go that one step further you could also print the outside of the gift box to further push your brand or product.

If you are planning to include items like lanyards, key rings, small extension leads then a gift box is handy because if

USB Flash Drive Gift Box

you choose the right one then these “extras” can be neatly bundled into the gift box with the memory stick.

During July we’re offering FREE gift boxes with all orders of branded USB memory sticks. The free offer is limited to our “standard” boxes but if these are not what you wanted we’ll offer all of our other gift boxes at discounted prices for the duration of the offer.

Interested? Just give us a call to chat through your requirements or fill in our enquiry form and we’ll get back to you with a free no obligation quote.

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