Prepare For Blackouts With Printed Power Banks
The global energy crisis has been building in momentum since the world started to 'reopen' following a series of Coronavirus lockdowns. We wrote about the energy crisis this time last year and how it was impacting China and our range of branded tech gifts. In October 2021, a shortage of energy meant blackouts were put into effect across China and production of printed power banks and branded USB sticks slowed down as factories could only operate on certain days and times of the week.
The energy crisis in the UK
Here in the UK, we were anticipating that our government would deal with the energy shortage by allowing energy companies to source even more expensive energy from wherever necessary; passing on increased costs to households and businesses. This has already started to happen, however, whether this will be enough to meet the increase in demand this winter is yet to be seen.
The energy shortage has been compounded by sanctions on Russian gas supplies following the war in Ukraine, meaning the UK has to prepare for the possibility that we may not have enough energy to meet demand this winter. It has been widely reported that the UK may face blackouts during peak times.
What do I need to prepare for blackouts?
Whilst at this stage blackouts simply remain a possibility, it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Some households (especially with those who rely on energy for at home critical care) are investing in portable power stations, otherwise known as mini generators, however most of us can probably get by on restricted use with a bit of creativity.
According to Sky News, the chief of the National Grid has told households to prepare for blackouts during the hours of 4-7pm on weeknights in colder months such as January and February. For the average family, 4-7pm is usually a time where they might gather for dinner and perhaps watch some TV after a long day at work and school. Candles, battery powered lights (such as our Promotional Ring Light) and torches could provide temporary lighting to keep family time going on dark evenings. Dinners could even be rustled up on BBQs under umbrellas if absolutely necessary!
Keep devices charged with printed power banks
One thing many will miss, especially those with young children, is screen time to get them through to bedtime! Whilst TVs may not be an option, small devices such as tablets and smartphones can be powered with power banks to keep everyone entertained. Phones and tablets running apps such as Netflix often have the option to download favourite TV programmes, you just need to make sure they are fully charged either before power outages hit or during with a power bank.
Here at USB2U, we stock a wide range of power banks printed with company logos that not only offer significant battery power, but also recharge very quickly. The Pocket Pro 5000 Power Bank features USB-C fast charging input, so users can recharge their power banks as fast as possible to keep everyone topped up. 5000mAh is enough to fully recharge even the latest smartphones to full once.
If you're wanting to charge more than one phone or perhaps a tablet, you might want to consider our Pro 10000 Power Bank. The Pro 10000 is our largest capacity power bank, offering a generous 10000mAh of battery power to easily charge two smartphones or a tablet such as an iPad to full. It also boasts two USB-A output ports, so you can charge two devices simultaneously. Simply plug your device's USB cable into the connector slot, press the side button and you're away! The handy battery indicator light shows you just how much charge is remaining, so you can remember to recharge it before you need it again.

Offer your clients the peace of mind of battery power this winter with printed power banks from USB2U - you can be sure this is a gift they will be very thankful to receive - the gift of staying connected. For more information about our range of UK stock power banks available printed with a logo in 24 hours, get in touch with our team today who will be happy to talk you through pricing and availability.