Raising Money With Printed USB Memory Sticks
If you’ve committed to help raise money for a charity, your local church, school or perhaps in a moment of weakness you agreed to help your son or daughter raise money towards the cost of their World Challenge trip then you’ll quickly learn that the one of the biggest challenges is coming up with a money raising idea!
Printed UBS memory sticks might not be the obvious choice but they’re actually a brilliant way to raise funds because you can get them printed up with your fundraising details and sell them for a profit – if you buy a reasonable number (say 100+) you should easily be able to make at least £1 - £2 per USB stick you sell without too much effort.
It’s a good idea to pre-load any charity or fund raising USB drives with details of where the money raised will be going and how it will be used. Think about pre-loading video clips, press articles, You Tube videos or links to blogs/websites about the charity or activity. Don’t forget to include details of how to order more USB sticks and most importantly include a link to an on-line donation page at one of the many sites like www.justgiving.com
If the prospect of copying all of this information onto every USB stick you buy puts you off then don’t worry because most suppliers of printed USB flash drives will copy data onto the sticks for you before they send them to you. In most cases (up to a certain limit) they’ll even load the data for free so getting them to load the data for you won’t eat into any of the money you raise.
For schools and school trip fundraising (like World Challenge) the USB flash drives that are most popular are USB wristbands – these come in a range of vibrant colours and understandably appeal to students. If wristbands aren’t you’re thing then don’t worry there are hundreds of different styles and designs to choose from so there’s bound to be something that works for you and more importantly will appeal to whoever you’re planning to sell them to!
There’s a misconception that to buy printed USB sticks that you need to pre-order them weeks or months in advance and that you have to buy thousands of them. The reality is that most are delivered within 10 days of being ordered and the minimum order quantity is only 25 pieces. Ideally you need to be ordering at least 50-100 pcs simply because this brings the unit cost down to a level where you’ll get more profit from your sales. If you only order 25 then several fixed costs (freight, print, and set-up) have a detrimental impact on the unit price.
So, if you don’t fancy marathon car washing sessions, a sponsored run or car boot sales then give branded USB sticks a go.