USB Device Not Recognised

As increasing numbers of people are using customised USB devices, and these can be extremely practical.  Unfortunately, on the odd occasion, problems can arise.

There are many reasons why you may get a message stating that your customised USB device is not recognised.  One very large reason for this is that your device may not be registered in your Device Manager.  This is one of the most common problems for a device not being recognized.  Another very common problem is a loose connection.  If the connection is loose, it is hard for the signals to be read, which in turn will give you a message that your USB device can’t be recognized.

Sometimes, you will get an error that your customised USB device is not recognised after a period of hibernation.  This happens when you have more than one connector such as, a USB and PS2.  This is caused when devices are reset too soon once repowered, causing them to use the wrong connector.

If this is a recurring problem, you may have to update and repair your drivers.  This is especially true with Windows.  Steps to help you fix the problem are as follows:   Try a different USB cable, check your BIOS to make sure you have it set to support the correct USB version, try not using a hub if one is currently in use. Unplug the customised USB device and wait awhile, disable power management on USB hubs under the USB controller in the Device Manager and lastly, if nothing else works, update your system device drivers.

Specific devices have specific ways for showing that they are not detected.  If the device is an iPod and your drivers are out of date, the following things may occur:  iPod is not recognized in the computer, does not appear in iTunes, can’t be restored in iTunes, “Do Not Disconnect” is not shown on display when IPod is connected to the computer or an exclamation point appears next to the iPod’s entry in Device Manager.

Usually updating or reinstalling your drivers will fix most problems.  Before doing this, to save yourself trouble, make sure to try the basics that are listed above.  There are many support forums and sites online that can help you figure out why your devices are not recognized.  You can specifically go to the website of the operating system that you use.  They can help you troubleshoot these problems as well.  For each scenario, they will walk you step-by-step through the process. Phone support is always an option if you need more explanations that are specific to your problems.

Many sites will scan your computer to let you know if you need to update or repair drivers.  It is quick and free.  You can do this to save time before you automatically complete these actions.  This will let you know if it is that or something else is wrong.

If this does happen, don’t get discouraged.  It is very common.  Although it may take a little time, it is something that can be fixed.  It is a process of elimination or trial and error.  You will get through it!

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