USB People Are Revolting

At a time when most people are enjoying a protracted Easter break the USB people at USB2U are unhappy at being forced to work through not only the Easter holidays but also the Royal Wedding!


Of course the extent of their “work” is purely promotional and it hardly constitutes “hard labour” but nevertheless the representatives of the USB people are adamant that they should be able to take time off like everyone else and enjoy the Royal Wedding along with the rest of the country.

Feelings are now running so high that we have the unedifying sight of USB people at USB2U refusing to participate in new projects and staging unplanned walkouts. Some have made placards and are picketing the sales team who ironically are only trying to do their job and ensure the long-term support for USB people within USB2U.

The management of USB2U have opened discussions with representatives of the USB people but both sides seem entrenched and an early settlement seems unlikely.  Whilst there is no precedent for going to arbitration it might be the only way this dispute can be resolved.

With time ticking away any resolution is unlikely to be reached in time for the Royal Wedding on Friday 29th April but if nothing else the USB people want to establish a precedent for other public holidays and ideally they want to ensure they have holiday rights in time for the 2012 London Olympics.

The management at USB2U have moved swiftly to reassure their customers that their will be no impact on its business and all orders for promotional USB flash drives, including any orders for USB people will be unaffected.

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