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Custom Designed

Custom USBs are perfect for those looking for something a little different to give to their customers or clients and can help to truly bring across a brand's image/identity in the most creative way possible.

If you have an idea, no matter how wacky or unachievable you think it might seem at first, our creative team will do all that they can to make it a reality. USB2U can make USB sticks that are 100% custom to your requirements in both 2D and 3D shapes, as well as advising you on any concepts and ideas if you need some creative inspiration. Our previous custom USB sticks styles have ranged from ice-creams, bananas, elephants, guitars and even aeroplanes! Take a look at our Flickr page for more inspiration.Read more

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Custom USB Requirements

The minimum order quantity for custom USBs is 100 pieces. We make the 2D and 3D shapes out of a soft PVC material which coat the sticks, leaving a high-quality matte rubber finish.

2D shapes can also be manufactured with wood, metal or even hard plastic.

To match our no limits ethos with custom designs, we also have no limits on the colours you choose which can be Pantone matched to your specifications.